Two classic episodes of Lucy's first solo series. The Barbershop - This first season episode of The Lucy Show finds a reluctant Vivian Vance forced to ring in Lucy, whom she's convinced can't sing, to replace a missing member of her ladies volunteer fire department quartet. Hans Conried guest-stars as Dr. Gitterman, the vocal coach who tires to teach Lucy to project in time for the Ladies Barbershop Quartet Contest in Albany, but Lucy may not survive the training - or her own stage fright! The Plumber - In another early episode, Lucy gets frustrated because her daughter Chris (Candy Moore) is monopolizing the bathroom and talks her neighbor, Harry Conners (Laugh-In's Dick Martin), into installing a new shower. After learning that he and Eddie Collins (Don Briggs) have conspired to hire a plumber, Joe Melvin (Stafford Repp), Lucy and Vivian try to finish the job, only to get trapped inside the stall as it rapidly fills up with water.