In Raymans world, there once lived sweet little cute rabbits that wereconstantly victimized by more ferocious animals. One day, they disappeared fromthe Earths surface, secretly planning their massive invasion. Armed withenormous war machines, they have now returned to enslave Raymans world and gettheir final revenge!
These poor little creatures have become deceitful, uncontrollable and completelypsychotic. Our hero and his friends have been kidnapped by these diabolicalrodents and have become their slaves. Like a gladiator, Rayman must endure aseries of trials for their amusement. But will he manage to gain enoughpopularity to save his world and his friends from this veritable Invasion of theRabbids
Help Rayman win his freedom back by entertaining and outwitting these fury foes.Use the most hilarious fighting moves imaginable. Run races on animals, fight inthe arena, mesmerize the bunnies with your dance moves, throw cows, milk pigs orengage in plunger shooting madness!The possibilities for fun are endless.