Les fautes d'orthographe": "Misspellings". Daniel always gets the wrong spelling and writes every French word in what he calls "phonetics". Daniel does cheat and he always has recourse to his comrades to make corrections before handing any assignment. This inability to write correctly was a considerable handicap at that time and could seriously threaten anybody's progress at school since correct spelling was thought to be a paramount skill to make your way through life. Daniel Massu is aged 15 but he only looks 13. His father is the head master of the boarding school. His mother is the supervisor. This year, his father has decided that Daniel should go down to sleep with his school mates in the dormitory. The very thought of the dormitory and its promiscuity terrifies Daniel. All the more so since nearly all pupils look upon him as privileged and/or as the teacher's pet. In order to win the trust and the friendship of his peers, Daniel defies his mother who feels split between her love for her son and her pride for creating this school with the will to help underprivileged children.