INTRODUCTION: Although the Tenchi Muyo anime series became a massive hit in its native Japan and other neighboring nations, it was never fortunate enough to gain that kind of success in the United States. That's a real shame, because this is one of the best anime series out there. It DID air briefly in America on the Cartoon Network, but it never really won the audiences over the way series like Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z did. But this series is every bit as good as the animes that DID achieve fame in America. Read on for my review of this set.
BASIC PLOT: It's hard to describe this series because there are so many twists and turns in the plot, but I'll try my best. The story follows a young man named Tenchi Masaki, who has just returned to school from a long break. Soon enough, he meets up with a rather strange cast of characters, and discovers that he may be the last hope for saving the universe! To make things even more difficult for him, many of these strange characters he has met fall in love with him, and this creates some competition amongst them that results in some rather comical scenes.