The battles have been documented,the general
lionized.We have seen the turning point and the
sacrifices.Now let Civil War Journal take you
deeper,into the personal stories.Join host Denny
Glover as he takes you through
diaries,photographs,and re-enactment.Finally,a
Civil War program that makes you feel the private
and intimate side of the great conflict.This
collection,focusing on the earlier years of
war,offers the following four full-length episodes.
-West Point Classmates-Civil War Enemies
In a great irony, former West Point classmates
faced one another one opposite sides of the
conflict-Union Generals Sherman,McClellan and
Grant versus Confederate General Beauregard,Lee
and President Jefferson Davis.
-Robert E.Lee
The greatest commander of the Civil War may have
been its loser.Born the son of a Revolutionary War
hero,Robert E.Lee wad destined for greatness and
tragedy.What went on inside the mind of this
mythical "Marble Man?'
-Stonewall Jackson
He earned his nickname at the First Battle of Bull
Run when he and his men "stood like a stone wall
against Union forces."Stonewall Jackson was the
South's most brilliant leader,cool under fire and
rumored to be indestructible.It took a Confederate
bullet fired by mistake to bring him down.
-Sherman And The March To The Seas
On November 15,1864,Union General William Tecumseh
Sherman left Atlanta in flames and began his
long,ferocious "March to the Sea. His
plan:obliterate everything in his path to break
the South's will.
Languages: | English |
Country: | US |
Runtime: | 200 min. |
Number of discs: | 2 |